Fist and Furious: The Ins and Outs of Anal Fisting

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Ladies and gents, welcome to the kinky realm of anal fisting, where the phrase elbow grease takes on a whole new steamy meaning!
But before you start clenching those cheeks and imagining a boxing match, let me put your mind at ease. Anal fisting isn’t a game of stunts – it’s a sensual adventure built on trust, open communication, and more pleasure than your dirty mind could possibly imagine!
Still worried? Lola’s got you, honey – let’s fist-bump our way through this saucy topic and get you ready for a night full of hands-on action!
Handsy Heaven: Debunking & Defining
Honeybunches, I gotta admit something to you: the term fisting is a bit misleading. After all, you can’t just make a fist, add a bit of lube, and start pounding away at your partner’s back door.
I know, I know, but no amount of booing will change the facts: our buttholes simply aren’t built to take an entire fist from the get-go. Besides the fact that it wouldn’t fit, it would cause a lot more Ouchies than Oh Mys!
So, when we talk about anal fisting, we actually refer to the hand simply penetrating the anus. Its positioning? Well, it’s more like a duck bill than a boxing fist!
That said, once inside, you can gradually curl your fingers into a fist. And then, when the hole is nice and gaping, you can start moving it while fisted too.
Fisty Funsies: Are You Ready For It?
My loves, I’ve said fisting can be fun for everyone – and I meant it. But let’s get one thing straight – it’s not for complete anal newbies.
Think about it: would you hit the gym for the first time and go straight for the 50-pounders? For the sake of your well-being, I sure hope not!
So, use the same logic here, smartypants! You can’t skip out on some good old finger probing, cute lil’ butt plugs, and beginner dildos and dive straight into fisting (pun absolutely intended!). No ma’am!
In this case, slow and steady wins the race (or should I say, the fist). My advice? Get used to stretching your back door a little more every day, and increase the pressure as you go.
Buttercup – this won’t be a chore! Wearing butt plugs all day will be like sipping a warm cup of tea on a chilly winter – if the tea also rubs you just right with every move you make.
With time, your browneye will learn to take more length and girth – and the stars you’ll be seeing won’t be coming from pain.
Only then can you start getting frisky, or, well, fisty!
Pound Preparation: Lola’s Guide for First-Time Fisters
My sweet cheeks – now that you know that you need to start slow, let me give you tips that’ll let you slide in more than just your fingertips! Listen up, ’cause these are all the deets you’ll need.
Lube Is Your Best Friend
Ah, lube – the unsung hero of our dirtiest adventures! Lube is your front-row ticket to a smooth anal joyride, whether you’re using a teeny-tiny butt plug or a fist.
So, before you even think of getting close and personal with your back exit, look for some quality lube first. It won’t be an easy task, because you have a bunch of options:
- Water-based lubes
- Silicone lubes
- Combo lubes
- Flavored lubes
How do you pick? Well, you gotta try them first! Water-based lubes are often the safest – and a must with many anal toys. Silicone and combo options are thicker and will make you tingle in the best way. And the flavored ones? Well, let’s just say your partner will be licking their fingers after that fisting session – for more reasons than one!
✍️ Lola Lovegood recommends: Sugar, if you need a one-stop solution where you can get both quality lube and kinky anal toys to prepare your hole for fisting, Lelo is the place to be! They have all the essentials to make every anal adventure smooth and steamy!
Dousey Douches
Got a minute to get real with me? Honey, we all know that our puckers aren’t just there to give us mind-numbing orgasms. Things get dirty down there, and I’m not talking the kinky kind!
So, before any hands can get any closer to that sticky situation, you’ve got some cleaning to do. How? Well, with an anal douche, duh!
These babies are flexible, attachable to your shower – and they feel damn good inside of you! Even more importantly, they’ll help you get rid of the mud monster without a hassle.
Now, giving yourself one thorough anal douching session right before the action will be enough. So, don’t overdo things! Your partner knows where their hands are headed – some accidents are simply risks you’ve got to roll with!
💡 PRO TIP: My cheeky friends, there’s a savvy way to avoid a messy situation during fisting. First - drink a bunch of water, especially the day before. Also, don’t forget, fiber is your friend! It’s the secret sauce that gets your bowel moving just as well as a fist. Combining these two, you’ll clear the way a few hours beforehand, prepping you to take that fist past the wrist with ease!
Cleanliness Goes Both Ways
Listen up, sweeties – your clackers aren’t the only ones that need to be squeaky clean before fisting. Nuh-huh: your partner’s hands need to be 100% germ-free – or as close as you can get to it.
Think of it this way: you sure don’t want any of the outside nasties diving deep into your colon. Aside from being disgusting, it’s a one-way ticket to a whole bunch of pesky infections that’ll leave you sidelined from anal action for a good few months.
Since that’s the last thing we want, your partner needs to get scrubbing, baby! And I’m not just talking plain soap and warm water. No sir! Antibacterial soaps are where the heat is at, because that skin needs to be all shiny and new before taking a plunge into the chamber of secrets.
Three’s Company
Group playdates are all the rage, my naughty heathens, and that goes for fisting too. Let me tell you, few things beat the kinkiness of stretching those brown stars when company’s around.
However, I gotta be a party pooper (wink) once again. If you’re having any kind of fisting party, you’ll have to play by the rules.
Luckily, there’s only one, and it’s quite on theme: one hand for one hole. Let me explain – it’s not smart to dip into more than one pot. If you do, you’ll be risking spreading STIs, bacteria, and anal mucus from one person to another. Things will get messy, and not the fun kind.
So, if the same person has to fist multiple lucky bastards, they should wash that hand really well before switching. Even better – we’ve got two hands for a reason, so put them to good use!
Making Sliding Smoother
And now, my beloveds, a note on patience. As I said in the beginning, taking things slow is the key to having a good time. So, prep the turf well before attempting some slip ‘n’ slide.
How? Sheesh, it’s easy! It all boils down to one simple word – foreplay. In this case, that’s your fingers, butt plugs, anal dildos, vibrators, or anything else that gets you going. Hell, even some tongue-in-cheek action (if you catch my drift) will get the job done.
However, just because your anus is getting all the action doesn’t mean that you should neglect the rest. Not on Lola’s watch! So, make sure you and your partner work to get you feeling needy and relaxed – that’s the best way to handle a sliding fist!
“Sugars, remember – in the realm of fisting, it’s less about clenching and more about zen and deep breaths. Because, when you’re exploring uncharted waters, staying relaxed is the only compass you need to reach pleasure paradise!”
Cum-munication Is Key
Finally, I’ve got what might be the most important tip of all. Like with all kinksperiments, communication is the key to getting anal fisting just right.
In other words, use that mouth for talking, for a change! Tell your partner what feels right, guide them on the way, and stop them when it hurts. Although they’re distant cousins, pleasure and pain shouldn’t both crash your very first fisting foray!
Final Thoughts on Fisty Feats
Now that we’ve reached the grand finale of our first-time fisting adventure, let’s raise a toast to communication, kinky exploration, and the power of a well-lubed hand! Really, these are basically all the ingredients you need for a feisty and safe fisting session.
May your fisting endeavors be as thrilling as they are fulfilling, my daring darlings! Until next time, Lola’s signing off!
Sugar, as long as you clean up nice, use loads of lube, and communicate, anal fisting is completely safe! Being careful is always a must, but you can loosen up, I promise – you’ll be more than okay!
Ah, the age-old question. Listen, babes. With anal fisting, the line between pleasure and pain is so thin it’s barely there. But worry not! If you prepare well, take things slow, and listen to your body every step of the way, the only tears you’ll be shedding will be from pure ecstasy!
My fellow fisters – you prepare by stretching that hole as far as it’ll go! I’m talking fingers, plugs, and beads galore! Toss in some dildos and vibrators, and you’ll be ready to take a fist in no time!
About Lola Bernard

As a certified Sexuality and Relationship Coach and a passionate Sexuality and Relationship Blogger, I love bringing my professional insights and personal experiences to the table, eager to help us all grow and connect more deeply!
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