The Best Kind of Warm-Up: Perfect Foreplay Toys That Women Recommend

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Well, hello there, champs. I’ve been waiting for you. Yes, you get to spend some time with Lola, you lucky duck, you. We get some time together, just the two of us, and nothing, not a single thing, can stop us.
OK, there might be one thing that can. Are you good at foreplay?
What do you mean, you need help?
Oh wait, wait! Don’t feel bad! Lola didn’t mean to criticize. Lola only means to tantalize. Wink
Good, I’m glad you’ve calmed down. Now, don’t worry if you’re not apt for foreplay. There’s definitely pressure to perform there. At least two different studies have shown that people, especially women, want more quality foreplay from their partners during sex.
So, what do you do if you can’t figure out how to flip that switch and make the partner beg for the big entrance? Well, Lola can help you. I have this big list of awesome items that some of my lady friends recommended. And yes, both Scarlett and I tried quite a few of these. Some of them even went between us during the same session. Wink
Without further ado, here’s the list.
That Moment When We Both Vibe
Now, sweetheart, you know as well as I do that a couple’s vibrator is the absolute best. Firstly, it’s the greatest solo device. You can use it on your lady without even penetrating her; just stimulate the G-spot as often as you can, and she’ll be moaning your name in seven different keys. Wink
On the other hand, if you’re a lady who likes the ladies, some of the toys out there will be tailor-made for you both. You can stimulate each other without anything being inserted, and when you’re ready, that same vibrator will serve as the perfect tool for the insertion point.
✍️ Lola Lovegood recommends: Hey, everyone! Scarlett here, taking over for a beat! Just wanted to recommend this beautiful couple’s vibrator for a beat. We-Vibe really went above and beyond with this model, so it’s only fair to give them a proper shout-out. OK, back to Lola now. Bye!
Yeehaw! Giddyup Before the Ride
Getting excited yet, sweetums? You should. We’re getting into the naughty zone next. But no rush – remember, this is still foreplay. Inch by inch, babe. (Wink)
Anyway, you don’t have to dip too far into the BDSM territory to enjoy a bit of spanking. So, Lola suggests using a nice dual-riding crop. One of its sides is lined with leather, perfect for strong swigs and powerful pow-pows. But the other side is lined with satin, making it perfect for caressing the skin. Just thinking about it makes me shiver!
Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free, but Never Passion-Free
There’s nothing sweeter than using some chocolate body paint and strategically choosing which parts of yourself you want your partner to taste. I’ve done it several times so far, and it only gets better with time.
Naturally, you can achieve the same effect with whipped cream or honey. But edible chocolate paint takes it to the next level. It fits perfectly against the body, giving off a nice brown contour of each curve. Just knowing that she’s nude underneath all of that sweetness makes it all…well, makes it all much sweeter, really.
My Card, Ma’am
OK, so prompt cards seem like a bit of a nerdy thing to try. But don’t knock it until you do! Roleplay can be surprisingly hard for some of you lovelies, and even I had trouble getting used to it at first. With some readily made prompts printed on fun cards, you’ll have lots of opportunities to flex your RP muscle. And a few other muscles as well, while you’re at it. (Wink)
My Other Card, Ma’am
Same basic principle as the last batch of cards, but with a twist. This batch gives you date ideas, and I know what you’re thinking – “Dates? But I thought you were writing about foreplay, Lola“. I was, don’t rush, babe. Remember, with foreplay, you have to take it slow.
Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, the date cards. See, not all of the cards refer to outdoor dates. In fact, you can have an entire swath of cards that specifically cover activities at home. Any one of these can be the perfect overture for a sexy time. All you have to do is test them out.
Being a little nerdy is always exciting. It shows the partner that you care enough to explore the topic thoroughly for their pleasure. That’s why I always, always encourage a bit of nerdy behavior. It will never fail, not if there’s passion behind it.
You Have the Right to Remain Excited
Ooo, we’re back to the feisty part of foreplay. This time, we’re covering handcuffs.
Being restrained is one of the most popular kinks for both men and women. Giving the power of control to the partner instantly puts the cuffed person in a state of insecurity, that is to say, greater and unexpected excitement. When I’m bound, my SO can try to approach me slowly, or they can be daring and go for the swat or the snatch. Sometimes rope will do, but cuffs are just so… authoritarian. And the best submissive partners love the feeling of being in the hands of someone with authority. Someone capable and eager to command. (Wink)
The Tehehe Titillation
Can giggling be a good way to do foreplay? Why, yes, indeed!
Getting a tickler, especially a feather tickler, is an awesome investment, my sweeties. Unlike a sensual tease of the tongue or the spine-tingling swat of the riding crop, the power of the tickler is in its intensity. By giving her goosebumps, you’re making her body eager for a different kind of release. It’s not uncommon for the ladies to orgasm from ticklers alone. However, I imagine that would take a lot of practice. Plus, where’s the fun in sex without the actual act? (Wink)
It’s Time to Du-du-du-du-du-du-du-du-duet!
Yes, good old Yugi might be the king of games, but with the right KIND of game, you (yes, you, my dearest) can be the king of foreplay.
There are plenty of both card games and board games that are specifically sex-themed. With so much variety within just one of those many games, you can have plenty of foreplay options. Not to mention that they make for a good pass time when it’s raining outside.
Out of Sight, Dirty Mind
What’s the one thing that can enhance the feel of complete control that handcuffs give? The answer is fairly simple – blindfolds.
Anything can work as a blindfold, really, from scarves to linen handkerchiefs. But I always recommend buying a proper, sex-themed blindfold. They normally block out any light, so your partner will be left to your devices, and even something as simple as a kiss becomes instantly more exciting and titillating.
💡 PRO TIP: The best combo you can use with blindfolds, if no rope or handcuffs are available, is to whisper dirty thoughts into your partner’s ear during the act. The deprivation of sight will make her ears extra sensitive. (Wink)
The Taste of Your Taa-Taas
Nowadays, you can buy lingerie and undergarments that are literally made of candy. For example, I wore a bra consisting entirely of small sweets. Each time a partner would nibble on a piece, a bit of me was exposed. It was slow, and it worked wonders in getting us both extra excited.
Naturally, hard candy is just one part of the assortment. You can buy bras, panties, and other clothing items made out of wafers or even gummy textures. Just check the expiration date. You don’t want to get an upset stomach the morning after.
The Way She Teases
Another bit for the ladies who are doing the teasing. One of the best times to start foreplay is, surprisingly, when you’re out on a date. You can literally buy a necklace with a slender, inconspicuous vibrator as its pendant. These vibrators will be concealed within your cleavage. And when you need to get to the action, just subtly show it to the partner. And if you want to get extra frisky, switch it on subtly while in a public space. It will drive you both wild and act as the perfect introduction to the rest of your day.
Fragrance + Candlelight + Massage = Perfection
Have you heard of fragrance massage candles, my cuties? I imagine you did, especially if you’re a connoisseur of sex like your Lola here. (Wink)
See, the key point about this candle is that it has an amazing aroma, but it’s also used in wax play. Yes, you can pour the hot wax onto your partner’s back during a gentle, smooth night with the lights out and the smooth jazz playing in the background.
Naturally, you can combine the candle wax pouring with a sensual massage, be it with your hands or some nifty massage rocks, as well as some lube. Whatever the case may be, your partner is in for the ride of her life. Relaxed and refreshed, she will pounce on you as if you were a juicy piece of meat. Or a bit of underwear made out of candy described in the past few paragraphs.
Crossing the Rub-Icon
Finally, we have another nerdy activity, which I simply love: rolling the foreplay dice. This activity can be incredibly rewarding, as it will give you a combo of some of the most intense, sensual, and unforgettable foreplay actions. But alternatively, it can give you something silly, like caressing your partner’s heel for about seven minutes. And who says we can’t have a little fun during sex, lovelies? (Wink)
Fun Before the Fun: Foreplay Gadgets in a Nutshell
There. Now you know how foreplay can work, and you have a list of items that can help you along the way. Lola is proud of you, my sweetheart. Now, go out there and make so–
My, oh my, you’re a quick learner…
I can see that writing the next article will take some time…
Don’t fret. Foreplay can be just as exciting without the extra tools. All you need is your imagination.
Switch it up. Always try something new and exciting, and go with what sticks.
It depends. Most of the time, you will want to do foreplay. But if it’s a quickie or if you’re both incredibly excited, it might be best to just go all-in, all at once.
About Lola Bernard

As a certified Sexuality and Relationship Coach and a passionate Sexuality and Relationship Blogger, I love bringing my professional insights and personal experiences to the table, eager to help us all grow and connect more deeply!
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