iLoveYou.exe-Is-Running: 5 Ways Technology Helps Our Relationships

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Oh, hey there, my lovelies! It’s been so long since we’ve talked that I figured you were ghosting me. No text, no notification, nothing. And here I assumed it was my own phone that was acting up!
Aw, but I know you guys and gals. You would never ghost cute little Lola. After all, where else would you get some of the most sultry, sensual tips on sex stuff? (Wink)
And since we’re on the subject of phones and ghosting, let’s talk modern tech. Every one of us uses it. After all, it helps us with everything, from harvesting crops to simulating reality. Oh, and lest we forget, there are also many, many innovations when it comes to sexy stuff. (Wink)
Of course, I’ve heard the other side of the matter as well. To some, modern technology is ruining relationships, be they between friends, lovers, or spouses. And at first glance, it makes sense. We get so distracted by phones, tablets, and computers that we forget to go out and, as the kids say nowadays, touch grass.
Well, I like touching more than grass, and I know you do as well. But I also don’t think that modern tech is all bad. In fact, I know full well that it can help relationships out if used properly. So let’s have a tête-à-tête about it, babes.
Defining Our Terms: What Modern Technology Are We Talking About Here?
“But Lola, what is modern technology? What exactly do you mean when you use that term?“
Well, that’s… That’s a very good question, actually. After all, “new tech” is such a broad term. I mean, there are new cars, toasters, calculators, AC units, milkers, egg timers, telescopes… That’s a lot of new tech, and a lot of it has next to nothing to do with relationships and sex.
So, to make things a bit simpler, I’ve decided to focus on consumer tech and gadgets, including:
- Smartphones
- Tablets
- Cameras
- PCs and laptops
- Gaming consoles.
Are we good, babes? Awesome! So, let’s talk about the negatives for a spell.
Going Unplugged: How Current Technology Harms Us
When they ask me if I would ever go full-digital, I simply giggle. After all, I have my cute, pink tongue and my soft lips. Why would I focus all of my pleasing to just my digits?
So, how exactly does modern tech make our lives difficult? Here’s Lola’s handy list. But unlike my fun little sessions with eager partners, I’ll keep this short. (Wink)
Hey! Pay Attention!
OK, so first, there’s the age-old “Please stop staring at the screen; we’re talking here!“. I’ll admit, sometimes I get glued to my phone and stare at it. But that’s mostly if there’s a fun little video on it. You know the kind. Either that or when Scarlett and I are having a back-and-forth about our current success.
We Don’t Ever Just…Just Talk Anymore, Babe
Communication is key for all kinds of relationships, my sweethearts, especially sexual ones. Sadly, nowadays, people can’t even communicate what they feel without using emojis or written messages. Modern generations, especially, find it hard to talk to each other openly about things. That’s never good, babes. Lola needs to hear that sexy voice of yours, not stare at GIFs. (Wink)
Who Is She?!
I know that some of you cute sexual kittens like to be with only one partner; that devotion is the hottest thing you can think of. But sadly, modern technology has actually contributed to the high likelihood of you losing a partner. In fact, there are entire services that specifically cater to affairs. I mean, remember Ashley Madison?
Oh, I Can Quit Whenever I Want!
Some people are addicted to their phones. I personally find that fascinating, considering how much of my own time I literally HAVE TO spend online because of research and growing my readership. Unfortunately, a lot of others simply waste their time doing nothing when their smartphone or tablet is on. When they do it too much, it becomes an addiction. And addictions are not sexy.
Hello, Darkness, My Old Friend…
Finally, with modern technology, we often take real relationships for granted and build shallow ones. For example, there are websites like Twitter, OnlyFans, Fansly, etc. I know of so many lovely individuals who have left their families and formed parasocial relationships with people they have never met nor will ever meet.
💡 PRO TIP: If you happen to feel like you’re addicted to social media or browsing the web, please consult a professional. There’s no shame in seeking help for your problems, and if possible, ask your partner to join you for a few sessions.
Onward to the Future! 5 Ways Modern Tech Benefits Relationships
Well, that’s enough about the bad stuff! Let Lola remind you that modern tech is a tool like all others. And like all good tools, we can use it to our advantage. Though, unlike the best tools, it doesn’t really fit my toy box. (Wink)
Here are a couple of tips on how you can use modern tech to your advantage, sweetlings.
Tip #1: Strengthening Communication
My lovelies, consider how often you talk to your significant other. Maybe work has you isolated for many hours a day. And maybe, just maybe, you two can’t have your lovely little sensual dance together because you constantly miss each other. That can be frustrating, I know.
So, here’s a simple solution: use your phone or tablet to talk to your partner when you’re away on a trip or stuck at work. A quick text or two ought to do it. Or, if you’re on a business trip, make sure to use your phone for some late-night pow-wowing. In fact, you can take some app-controlled sex toys with you on your trip, so you and your partner can have a more direct way of pleasuring each other with thousands of miles between you.
✍️ Lola Lovegood recommends: While you’re doing long-distance dating, make sure to enjoy another aspect of modern technology. I am, of course, talking about Lovense toys that connect via smart apps. (Wink)
Tip #2: All That Data at Your Fingertips
Is there an issue that you two can’t solve? Well, the internet is a powerful source of information, as the famed modern philosopher Meatwad once said. At times, your mojo may just be a bit dry, or your partner may not be feeling it. So, do what I do – google the solution together with your partner, and when you find it, you’ll find your drive for their body again. (Wink)
And if the problem runs deeper? Well, then, you can try online therapies and self-help ebooks. Lots of those are interactive, so both you and your partner can engage.
And speaking of both engaging…
Tip #3: Closer Through Clicks
There are several ways in which modern tech can directly connect you and your SO, babes:
- Using modern toys like app-connected vibrators and dildos;
- Watching porn together on the big TV (Wink);
- Record some of your raunchiest moments together (for the more daring of you lovelies out there);
- Using VR/AR tech for the advanced sexual craft.
Now, I know that some of you lovelies are in committed relationships, even marriages. Don’t worry, Lola has a list ready for even those low-key non-sexual moments:
- Playing video games together;
- Watching movies together on that aforementioned big TV;
- Playing a mobile game competitively;
- Enjoying YouTube videos on the same tablet.
Tip #4: Come Together Faster Than Ever
Of course, we also can’t forget about the power that modern tech has brought to us over the last few years. Namely, I can have a Zoom call with the family to discuss my relationship problems or just to have a bit of a laugh. This type of networking can also help in bringing people together since both you and your partner can get advice from as many people as possible to reach the best solution.
Oh, and I can’t even begin to tell you how many Zoom sessions I’ve had with Scarlett, Richard, and Vlad that were absolute riots! Or, well, absolute fun times, if you catch my drift. (Wink)
Let’s Make the Most of It! Tips on Proper Tech Use to Enhance the Relationship
Naturally, I don’t want to leave you lovelies without something concrete that you can try. Modern tech is best used in moderation, and even the weakest smartphone can be a powerhouse when applied in the right context. It can go from “meh” to “Mmmm God!” in a matter of minutes! (Wink)
So, here’s what you can try to do with modern technology to enhance your relationship with your partner, whatever its nature may be:
- Set reminders on your device to check on them a few times a day;
- Connect beyond IMs and texts (i.e., reply to their social media stories, add comments, like their stuff, share it with others, etc.);
- Set reminders about dates or deadlines important for your partner;
- Avoid using certain types of innovations if they are bad for your relationship (e.g., dating apps, video-sharing apps, etc.);
- Save some topics for face-to-face conversation.
Charged and Ready: A Few Final Words on Tech and Relationships
As you can see, my dear readers, we can’t diss modern technology completely. If we consider it a useful tool rather than an addictive substance, we can make our relationships last longer and be healthier than ever. And just like that perfect round of sexual pleasure, it takes time and lots of dedication to get it just right. (Wink)
Using that cute Lovense toy is cool and all, but you will want to focus on your partner for a bit. I recommend making a timetable and deciding when you are allowed to use a piece of tech during the day. In fact, you can use your phone to schedule the uses.
Don’t do that, dear. Going that extreme will isolate you even more from your peers. And if you start losing friends, you’ll become even more isolated than before.
Come on now, love! You know Lola needs a little more buttering than that. (Wink)
About Lola Bernard

As a certified Sexuality and Relationship Coach and a passionate Sexuality and Relationship Blogger, I love bringing my professional insights and personal experiences to the table, eager to help us all grow and connect more deeply!
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